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Nordic walking clothing

​ なお、帽子ではありませんが、タオルや手ぬぐいを頭に巻くのも個性的な方法です。
When doing Nordic walking, it is advisable to wear a hat to protect your head. Especially in the summer, a hat or cap with a brim is recommended to prevent heat stroke and sunburn. On the other hand, the when temperatures is low as in winter, it is a good idea to cover your ears with a knit hat. Although not a hat, wrapping a bandana or headband around your head is another unique way to protect your head.

​ 冬場など気温が低い時は、首から冷気が入るのを防止するためネックループや手ぬぐいを巻くことが望ましいです。
When the temperature is low, such as in winter, it is recommended to wrap a a  neck gaiter or scarf around your neck to protect the neck area from cold air.

​ ウエア類による温度調整は、1~2枚で行うのではなく重ね着で調整するようにしましょう。
Clothes that absorbs sweat well and dries quickly is recommended to prevent getting cold due to sweat. (required in winter). Mountaineering gear can be used, but in recent years, many inexpensive products from Workman and Uniqlo are on the market. Adjust body temperature with clothing, not just with one or two pieces, but with many layers of clothing.

The basic idea is the same idea as for the upper body wear. The trouser length may be three-quarters or even shorts if it is a city walk* or park walk* in the summer. At this time, you may wear tights as needed (Wearing support tights reduces the burden on the lower back and knees, and muscle fatigue is less likely to remain.).  However, even in the summer, it is advisable to wear long trousers just to be safe when you are on an unknown trail walk* route.




*City walk: Basically paved road or sidewalk walking.
*Park walk:  Walking in a park with a variety of ups and downs (there are very few unpaved roads as is in a forest)
*Trail walk:  Walking on a path near grassy forest and climbing trails.

​ 特にトレールウォークに使用する靴は、ローカットよりくるぶしが隠れるミドルカットやハイカットが望ましいと思います。
Basically, wear shoes, not sandals.
If it is a city walk, you can use something light and thin like general athletic shoes and running shoes, but in the case of park walks and trail walks where there are many unpaved roads, the body is solid and the bottom is thick. I think that trail running shoes and light trekking shoes (type without shank) are good.
Especially for shoes used for trail walks, it is desirable to have a middle cut or high cut that hides the ankle.


​ シティウォークや短めのパークウォークでは、ウエストバッグやヒップバッグ、ワンショルダーバッグを使用しても差し支えないと思いますが、長めのパークウォークやトレールウォークでは必ずバックパックを使用してください。(バックパックは、タオル+雨具+水<体重×行動時間×5mLが目安>が余裕で入るサイズにしてください。)
Basically, use a bag that allows you to use both hands freely.
I think it's okay to use a waist bag, hip bag, or one-shoulder bag for a city walk or a short park walk, but be sure to use a backpack for a long park walk or a trail walk. (Please make the backpack a size that can accommodate towel + rain gear + water <weight x action time x 5 mL as a guide>.)


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